Monday, March 06, 2006

More thought......

Have just spent all afternoon trying to find a tie between one fairy tale to another. Decided on Sleeping Beauty for today. After an entire afternoon trying to find a link between Perrault, Glambattista and Grimm versions (And succeeding I discover it has already been done and written down so there was a wasted afternoon)

My idea is to create an interactive narrative, that uses all of the versions:
Sleeping Beauty and the enchanted wood
Sun, Moon and Thlia
The Glass Coffin
The Ninth Captains Tale
Little Briar Rose

My particular interest goes into the Perrault, Grimm and Glambattista versions, Sleeping Beauty etc, Little Briar Rose and Sun, Moon and Thlia. Glambattista (really not sure if I'm spelling this right....) being my main interest.

As things stand my idea is to create a multiple version, combining all the differences that these authors used. Thus the interaction will come about by leading you off into various versions and making you combine the versions to create your finished narrative. Also thinking of including hidden meanings and sub-texts ie Sleeping Beauty was supposable raped, the list of these things are endless.

Not sure if I'll use Sleeping Beauty for my final piece but needed to start looking into the how's and whys of making a fairy tale interactive.

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