Php Crib Sheet
Just in a case I lose yet another bit of paper.
- User requests a page with a URL
- If that request was sent by a form, variable data may be sent to the server along with the request.
- Web server receives request for object located at the URL
- If that object (e.g. index.php) is a php file, the php code segment gets executed and replaced with the result of the code
- Server sends the new, freshhly available file to the browser
Things to check:-
- Am I accessing the right URL?
- Did I upload the lastest version to the live server?
- Did I type everything correctly? (Everything is case sensitive, spaces are not allowed in URLs or filenames)
- Do I have a code segment starting with
- Does every line of php code end with a semi-colon (;)?
- Do I have an ending bracket for every open bracket? ( "(", "[", "{")
- Did I mistakenly type letter '1' instead of digit '1'?
- Did I mistakenly type letter 'o' instead of digit '0'?
- Did I remember that variable names start with '$'?
- Did I remember that arrays start with index 0, not index 1?
- If I get a message saying "error parsing line 101", did I check that line 100 is correct? Does it end with a semi-colon (;)?
- Did I try debugging by using "echo $variable" in critical places in the php code?
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